Posts Tagged ‘Walter Burien’

  The Way it is – Corporatism and the TRFA
    by Walter Burien – CAFR1


Well, Corporatism… standing facts:

In the 1800’s and early 1900’s, individual capitalists started and built the large corporations to a point of extreme wealth.

When extreme wealth is standing, “others” look to take it. Who took it?

ANSWER: Where the organized power always stood over the centuries, Government.

Government in the 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s built the structure whereby they could facilitate the creation of massive investment accounts that as time went on, the wealthy corporations were systematically taken over one piece at a time, a little more, each and every year, and come the year 2000, government, local and federal, collectively took it all over by investment. Equity stock ownership; funding corporate and private sector debt, etc. Two large Private associations created by government membership that oversees and sets guidlines for governmet financial operations:   and

As viewed in the data compiled by the Federal Reserve Board annually of Total Wealth from all sectors Z.1 Report, Government’s collective investment wealth held come the year 2015:



Local and Federal Pensions: 16.4+ trillion dollars

Local and Federal collective investment in “home and corporate mortgages” 19.1+ trillion dollars.

The wealth held by the Banks; Brokerage; and Insurance Companies is 60% + compiled from collective government investment funds held and invested by those companies.

So here is a tip for you: The Government Takeover of it all over the last 70-years initially was facilitated through and by utilizing a small allocation from taxation each and every year. One of my favorite examples is: There are only so many nickles in a dollar. With government investing 5% of their massive take each year, it did not take that long (about 40-years) before they owned the whole pie.

You now know why Gorbachev for Russia in the 80’s and then China come 1999 decided to go Democratic. They looked at the numbers in the USA and the effectiveness of the ongoing takeover of the wealth by government and said to themselves: “They have more control over the population and are making ten-times as much then we are, it is time to go Democratic. They wrote the better blueprint for government controlled communism then we have and were operating under.”

Now that they have done it, taxation is now a significantly smaller percentage portion of Government’s gross income. The #1 percentage (about 65% of the gross) comes in from investment income, and I note with a large portion coming in from “International” investment income.

Guess what? With restructuring to make the population the #1 beneficiary of the investment wealth “currently” held by government, AND also honoring all Government liability contracts ongoing, taxation can be entirely phased out AND eliminated.  

I am currently working on what I call the TRFA (Tax Retirement Fund Association). A private association who’s name says it all, to “Retire Taxation”.

The National Headquarters is in the process of being built in the City of Gallup, NM, a city which holds the title for a small town as the “Most Patriotic City” in the USA.

The TRFA’s sole objective and charter is designed to consult with local governments in the USA, Canada, and elsewhere to establish the fiduciary trust principle to meet that local venue’s budgetary requirements where taxation is not needed.

What do you think? Sound like a novel idea who’s time has come?

Now I am sure you have heard the story of David and Goliath. Well here, the Goliath is about a million times larger than the Goliath David faced. But then I have always liked a challenge. My BIO:

Backing came in from an individual from Texas in 2014 to get things under way. Currently I am in contact with several individuals where my objective is to raise 12 million dollars to finish off the headquarters; get it staffed; up and running; and have a budget for the association to last two to three years until a solid stream of revenue is established from operations of the association.

The “Trade” that takes place here is:

1. The population regains “ownership” of this country under a structured operating principle that government will now be operating under;

2. This type of structured operating principle creates a thriving, perpetually generated loop of prosperity for “One and All”, the population, corporate (large and small), and government;

3. The hostility level that now exists between the runaway takeover government and a slightly bled dry population, on a scale from 1 to 10, (currently at about a 9.5) evaporates down to under a 2 almost overnight with everyone on the same page for the 1st time in the history of this planet.

4. No longer is there a need on the part of government to hide its wealth from public view or to selectively promote government projected debt (liability) to mask the ongoing takeover of it all. Under the TRFA principle of operation, we all are striving for the same objective, and all are on the same page: A prosperous, self perpetuating, striving economy for “One and All”.

5. Good news: The entire structure is in place today to make this happen rather quickly. You see government with the intent to internally create massive wealth for themselves has: The entire managers and management teams in place today to do the job; The entire wealth base of investment funds in place today with rather small allocations will allow for the creation of TRF (Tax Retirement Funds) that are institutional investment trust funds that will be designed “exclusively” to meet local governments (City; County; School District; and State) ongoing annual budgets.

Can you see a better future for this country over making this happen? I can not. If and when done where it becomes the standard, I view this as the step that leads to one-thousand years of prosperity for one and all. Personally to myself I call this the Millennium Project, a thousand-years of prosperity for one and all.

As happened in 2014, I received a call form Texas where the question was asked: What do you need to start the project?” I said $640,000. The following week, the check for $640,000 came in and the project was started.

Currently I have let a few individuals know that to finish the start-off and have operating funds for 2 to 3 years, $12,000,000 is needed.

It may come from one of the four individuals I am discussing the matter with now who have the revenue needed, or I may just get a call from an individual who says: “You need $12,000,000 to do what you say you are going to do, the check is in the mail.”

That’s the way it happened from Texas in 2014, and it may be just the way it happens in 2018. The word is out there, I like good surprises 🙂

If everything falls into place, about 11–months after that point, the TRFA should be staffed; up and running; the press events and information disclosure about the project will be rather massive to the local government bodies; the population; and the corporate financial and business communities will be comprehensively briefed.

My only focus is to make this happen. I do not look or go elsewhere if it is not directly pertaining to getting the TRFA National Headquarters up and running. I live and stay alive to make this happen.

Here is one piece of advise: The government shills out there are very happy with the way things are right now and have been so for the last 40-years. They have a visceral reaction to change, and especially change that puts ownership of this country back into a structure that DIRECTLY benefits the population with the massive wealth and income standing and held by government. They will use any tactic to misdirect the population from cognitively understanding the simplicity of what the TRFA’s objectives are. The tactic of blasting any post or article with anything else that has nothing to do with what is being brought forward here will be used. Comments of why not and not let’s make it happen will be exerted. And last but not least: Contrived Attack the Messenger. You see, the population was used and spoon fed over the last 70-years exactly what the PTB wanted them to digest. Done so, whereby the takeover would be much more easier to accomplish. They were and are pro’s at doing so.

Well, in reality, we owe them a very big Thank You. You see, they have created the massive wealth standing whereby with the restructuring through the creation of fiduciary trust funds to meet ongoing local government budgets as is the objective of the TRFA, the job of phasing out and ending taxation under strict terms can be facilitated as time goes, in the blink of an eye.

I keep breathing to make this happen. I am now 62-years old and the last 20-years really turned up my learning curve to make his happen.

Want to help “in reality” as is needed? If yes, don’t hesitate to call.

Walter J. Burien, Jr.
Manager – TRFA LLC
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936

Tel. (928) 458-5854

PS: The TRFA operating principle is applicable to any country on this planet. As noted, a closed self-perpetuating Eco-loop: “Prosperity for one and all for a thousand years” It’s time has come! On a last note: “Quitters never win and winners never quit.” As I noted before: “I like a challenge”


Over the past several decades, U.S. city, county, and state governments have increasingly adopted a wide set of policy tools to spur community wealth building. Most commonly, local and state governments are investing directly in local businesses through economic development programs, which make loans to or investments in local enterprises, and with the ability established of using TRF fund monies to support businesses within their regions, the benefits are self evident.

State and Local Investments play a critical role in building community wealth for several key reasons:

They provide needed capital to local businesses, which helps create and preserve local jobs and ensures healthier, local economies.

Local business success generates increased revenues for localities, which can be used to support important community needs and amenities.

Since local businesses are likely to rely on local suppliers and service providers,such investments also have a positive economic multiplier effect that helps ensure that local dollars will remain and recirculate within the community.

Investing a portion of TRF investments in area businesses helps local enterprises succeed, and thus, also generates greater TRF investment return revenues that can be used to enhance infrastructure and services.



The People Spoke and CAFR1 Listened
by Walter Burien

Well, the People Spoke and CAFR1 listened and followed their recommendations..The three minute trailer that CAFR1 released for “The Only Game in Town – The Way Our Government Can Be” I was told by many was to short and not adequate to get the point across. So, today I released a new trailer on YouTube that can be viewed at the following link:
I have also updated the CAFR1 front page with the same 10 minute trailer.Please share this with your email lists, friends and family. If you have a website or blog post the new trailer there also.

The feedback I have received on the new trailer is that it now hits the nail on the head and is more than adequate as a trailer to give the comprehension needed that will motivate the viewer to watch the complete documentary and also they will learn a great deal just from viewing the trailer itself….

If you have the 1st three-minute trailer release on your website or blog, please swap out with this ten-minute trailer.

If you wish to download the trailer directly from the CAFR1 site you can do so at the following link –

And may I make one suggestion? No “if” “and” or “buts,” any candidate for office should clearly run on and implement this platform to win. All candidates that refuse to mention “the process to eliminate taxation” and give the voters the silent treatment or obfuscate should not get one vote from the informed. This applies from the mayor of the smallest town to the President of the United States. It will be you that elects a thief perpetuating the status quo or in the alternative a true liberator. No excuses, here it is on a silver platter for all to use…

Thanks and here is wishing for a much brighter future for all of us and truly yours,

Walter Burien – CAFR1
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, Arizona 85936

Tel. (928) 445-3532 and

Any local government can be restructured to meet their annual budget needs “Without” taxes.
TRF (Tax Retirement Funds) paying for every City, County, State’s annual budgetary needs!

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